Srila Bishnu Maharaja's 2024 European Travel Itinerary
Hare Krishna, dear devotees and friends! Dandabat pranam. By the grace of Sri Hari, Guru, and Vaishnabs I am travelling in Europe again. Below is my scheduled itinerary. Jay Sri Radhe!
21st August arrive Madrid Spain. Up to 24th at Logronyo, Spain.
25th to 4th September Radhavallabha Temple, Monovar, Alicante.
From 5th to 8th Berlin, Germany.
9th September to Rome, Italy. Up to 12th in Jagannath Mandir, Italy.
For Radhastami, from 13th to 17th in Gouramandala, Nepi.
From 18th to 21st in Sardinia.
Sunday 22nd in Devendra prabhu’s place in Rome.
23rd - 24th Terni.
25th – 26th Guna Grahi prabhu’s home.
27th Senigallia Krishna Chandra prabhu’s home.
28th Rimini Dudevi’s home.
From 29th to 1st October in Golokananda prabhu’s home.
From 2nd October to Saturday 5th in North Italy with Tapasvi Maharaj (Pavia, Vicenza, Torino e Milano).
Sunday 6th and Monday 7th in Croatia.
8th – 9th Slovenia.
10th – 12th in Czech Republic.
Sunday 13th and Monday 14th in Vienna, Austria.
October 15th - leave Vienna, arrive 16th at Delhi then travel to Vrndavan.
Hare Krishna! Jay Jaganath! If anyone has any inquiry please contact Sripad Sivanada prabhu, Italy (+39 333 6076199).